AudD Changelog

Posted: June 18, 2021.

Updates to the enterprise endpoint

We’ve made some changes to our Enterprise endpoint:

- It now accepts URLs of web pages (e.g., YouTube links);

- The chunks’ length is now 12 seconds;

- You can specify the time where the server should start music recognition;

- You can ask the server to parse the t parameter of the url you give it and use it as the start time.

Posted: March 26, 2021.

Reddit bot

We launched a Reddit bot, @auddbot. It reads through millions of comments on Reddit and answers hundreds of questions like “What the song” in posts and comments, recognizes music from YouTube, Twitch, and when livestreams.

It utilizes the latest changes in our enterprise API.

The bot is written in Golang and uses our Go library. The source code is available on GitHub.

Posted: December 28, 2020.

Subscription auto-renewals

You can now turn on the auto-renewal of your subscription on the Dashboard.

Important: We decided to automatically renew subscriptions of those users who send requests after their subscription ends. That would help you avoid interruptions in the service. We know that many of our customers don't use Telegram a lot, and therefore they don't receive messages from our Telegram bot. It leads to many accidental losses of access to the API because some customers only renew their subscriptions when they get errors from the API.

If you don't send any API requests in two days after your subscription period has ended and haven't manually enabled the auto-renewals, we won't automatically renew your subscription, and you'll get unsubscribed.

If you want to unsubscribe but aren't able to stop sending requests, please let us know.

If you get charged for a future subscription without wanting to, please let us know, and we'll fully refund the payment.

Posted: December 11, 2020.

HTTP Long Polling and widgets for stream results

You can now receive music recognition for streams results using HTTP Long Polling, see the Docs for Streams.

We also have released widgets that utilize the long poll and can be iframed on your project, |

Posted: September 10, 2020.

Twitch has released our extension

The Twitch team has finally released our music recognition extension. It allows broadcasters to show what music is playing on the stream and posts all the songs with the links to the chat.

To start, just add the extension to your channel. If you don't have an active subscription and want to test it for free before subscribing, let us know (contact @AudDhelp in Telegram or [email protected]).

The source code of the extension is published on GitHub.

Posted: July 18, 2020.

Twitch and YouTube streams native support

You can now easily recognize music that plays on Twitch and YouTube live streams.

In addStream and setStreamUrl API methods, just send youtube:[video id] or twitch:[channel name] as a stream url — like twitch:monstercat or youtube:5qap5aO4i9A.

More info: API Docs for Streams.

Posted: May 17, 2020.

Music recognition for streams for all of our users

We've been working on this for a while. We're already recognizing music playing on hundreds of audio streams — in real-time, 24/7 — but before now, we provided the service only to clients with 10+ streams.

And now we've made music recognition for audio streams available to all of our users, for $45 per stream per month ($25 if you want your content to be recognized).

Read the API Docs for Streams or add your first stream.

Posted: April 29, 2020.

Discord bot

Posted: April 19, 2020.

MusicBrainz integration

MusicBrainz is an open collaborative music database with metadata for tens of millions of songs.

We've integrated the MusicBrainz DB, so you can easily get all the information they have.

To access the MusicBrainz metadata, just send musicbrainz in the return parameter.


Posted: April 8, 2020.

You don't have to parse it anymore

Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, OpenGraph, JSON-LD, <video>, and <audio> are supported.

Now you don't have to parse HTML pages. We've done this for you.

We've integrated APIs of the social networks and a bit of code so you can send us URLs of the pages instead of doing a lot of parsing yourself and sending audio files.

Use it just like this:

Most of the Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and Facebook videos are supported; we also parse HTML for OpenGraph, JSON-LD media, and <video>/<audio> tags.

Posted: December 6, 2019. song pages

We’re launching a new generation of song pages with links to all the music services.

Example of such a page:

To create a page, just send an API request with return=song_link, e.g.

If you're interested in the album pages like or want to be able to customize the links or view the statistics of a page, contact us: [email protected], tg:@AudDhelp.

Posted: September 18, 2019.

API Developer Dashboard

We’re launching our own really simple API dashboard right in our Telegram bot:

Developers can now obtain an api_token, enjoy the trial period, and pay for one of our plans without leaving Telegram.

Posted: September 14, 2019.

AudD in TOP-12 Machine Learning APIs

We're proud to be in top-12 Machine Learning APIs by ProgrammableWeb!

Posted: August 22, 2019.

Apple Music integration

We've become official partners of Apple Music.

You can now use apple_music instead of itunes in the return parameter and get more accurate and complete results than before.

Just compare the results of and requests :)

+ Genre names (localized: if you send itunes_country=ru or market=ru, you'll get Russian words)
+ Composer names
+ Detailed information about the artwork (including text and background colors!)
+ Apple Music links
- iTunes track pricing
- iTunes links

P.S.: If you want to view beautiful JSON responses in your browser, we would recommend this extension

Posted: August 20, 2019.

Spotify integration

Now you can add ,spotify to the return parameter to get Spotify metadata (including the album, song, artwork information, and links) about the recognized songs.

Our Chrome extension already supports Spotify links.

Posted: August 5, 2019.

Real-time recognition of music from audio streams

A month ago we built and tested real-time music recognition service for audio streams. Now we're ready to present it publicly.

From mid-July, TopHit (Wikipedia) uses our API to recognize music from hundreds of audio streams. Guys from TopHit are pleased with the quality of our music recognition service.

The API is very simple: a client provides an URL for webhooks and then can add (by posting url and id of a stream), edit, delete or lists all the streams. Our server listens to the streams and sends webhooks with info about the songs being played (and about streams availability).

The service costs $45 per audio stream if you use our music DB containing 43 million songs or $25 per audio stream if you upload your own songs DB (you can provide just audios IDs, you don't have to send any titles, names or other metadata).

To use our music recognition services or to ask any questions, please contact [email protected].

Posted: May 30, 2019.

Enterprise endpoint: large audios, UPC&ISRC codes

We've created enterprise endpoint.

If you need to send large (up to 1GB) audio files with a lot of songs inside, send us an email ([email protected]).

Also, enterprise clients can get ISRCs and UPCs.

Posted: March 27, 2019.

Async websockets support

Now we support asynchronous websocket requests.

Connect to wss://[token] and send multiple requests (send files in binary form) without waiting for server's responses/results.

Posted: March 5, 2019.

Twitter bot

We have created a bot for Twitter.

🤖 recognizes music in videos, when someone mentions it in a tweet with a video or in reply to such a tweet.

Posted: February 27, 2019.

Now we accept videos [test feature]

Now our API recognizes music from audio tracks of video files (<32MB .mp4).


Posted: February 6, 2019.

API v2

We have completely rewritten our services from PHP+Python to Golang and implemented a lot of cool things. We'll post the changes and news we're excited about here.

Posted: February 6, 2019.

New 'all' and updated 'return'

We've added the "all" parameter, that allows you to see all matched songs in audio files.

Usage example: YouTube Recognizer.

Also instead of sending return=itunes_audios,deezer_audios,... or even &return_itunes_audios=true&... you should simply send return=timecode,itunes,deezer,lyrics